Latest Update: BISP Hunarmand Program By Rubina Khalid
We will inform you about all the information about the skilled program. Various skills will be imparted and taught to them such as embroidery work and household work that they can do at home. And those whose husband’s monthly income is around 20 or 30 thousand, that is, their monthly income is less than their expenses, they will be taught many skills through the skilled program so that they can also sit at home and teach people skills and work. Give so that they can earn money and eradicate their poverty. Likewise, these women will be made part of this scheme as soon as possible. They will be provided with various skills as well as money.
BISP Hunarmand Program Registration:
If you want to register yourself in the skill program, then in this article related to the registration, all the details are given to you, so please read our article in detail and read carefully so that you can also be a part of this program. To be part of the program, your poverty score must be around 35 percent. BISP Chairman Rabina Khalid has launched this program in her last meeting and launched this scheme for skilling women so that women who can sit at home can do their work and earn money with skill. so that they can end poverty for their children and themselves so that they will go on the path of development Visit your nearest Benazir Income Support Program office for registration.

Eligibility Criteria
- First of all if there is a woman in your house who has no skills then she can be eligible for this program.
- Your husband’s income should be less than 50 thousand and you should not be such a person.
- If you have any experience abroad, you will be taught various skills in the skilled program.
- For registration, you must go to the poorest tehsil office. All your bio data must be correct.
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Benefits of Hunarmand Program
There are many benefits of joining a Benazir Skilled Program so you should also take advantage of these skilled programs. You can overcome your poverty, so you should be eligible and register yourself in this program. The most important thing for this is that your monthly income should be less than 50 thousand. If all your data is correct then you will be eligible for this program, the first thing is to take advantage of this skilled program and eradicate your poverty so that you can develop and take care of your children at home.
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If you want to benefit from this talented program of BISP, then you have been told all the details about Benazir talented program. Latest updates of what is also told you that through this skilled program various skills are being taught to the poor people. So that their children also follow their ways and do not suffer from poverty, in this way they can empower their future.