Benazir Taleemi Wazaif 9000 Payment Check Online
Benazir Taleemi Wazaif 9000 Payment has decided to provide financial assistance of 9,000 rupees to poor students. Students who want to check this amount can do so using their ID card. Additionally, students can use their parents’ ID card for verification. Below is a detailed explanation of how to check your money using an ID card.
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Overview of Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Program
The Taleemi Wazaif Program provides financial assistance to poor and deserving students whose parents are unable to support their educational expenses. This program aims to help students who are interested in studying but are hindered by financial constraints. These scholarships are specifically for students whose parents are already beneficiaries of the Benazir Kafalat Program.

How to Check Taleemi Wazaif 9000 Payment Online
To check your payment online using the government’s 8171 web portal, follow these steps:
- Open the 8171 web portal on your phone or computer.
- A form will appear on the portal.
- Enter your 13-digit ID card number in the form.
- Type in the four-digit captcha code shown in the image.
- Click the green button to submit your request to BISP.
- A message will appear, telling you if there is money in your account.
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Registration Process
Students who wish to receive financial assistance from the Education and Scholarship Program should take their ID card or their parent’s ID card to the Education Scholarship Program office. There, a representative will verify your identity and complete the registration process. You can also get this amount from six different banks by completing your ID card and thumb verification process.
Taleemi Wazaif 9000 New Registration Updates
Children who were previously receiving financial assistance from the Taleemi Wazaif program but were recently disqualified can now re-register. If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can complete your registration again to become a part of the program.
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Eligibility Criteria
To check if you are eligible for the Benazir Taleemi Wazaif, ensure that:
- Your school or college attendance is over 70%.
- Your parents are already receiving benefits from the Kafalat program.
- You complete the education stipend form from the Benazir Income Support Program.
- Submit the form with required documents to the Benazir office after getting it signed by your school or college’s head office.
The Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Program provides financial assistance to poor and deserving students every three months. However, this aid is only available to students whose parents are eligible for the Benazir Kafalat Program and are receiving financial aid from it. Complete instructions have been provided in this article for both eligible and ineligible students. By following the outlined steps, you can easily check your eligibility and access the financial assistance you need.