Benazir Kafaalat Program 10500 Document Verification Process Start 2024

Benazir Kafaalat Program 10500 Document Verification Process Start 2024

Benazir Kafaalat Program has commenced, providing an installment of 10,500 rupees to eligible individuals. Document verification has restarted to ensure all eligible poor people can register for and receive this new installment. BISP has allocated a budget of 12 billion rupees for the Benazir Kafaalat program, which will be disbursed to beneficiaries in multiple installments.

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Benazir Kafaalat Program Start 

The Benazir Kafaalat Program has been initiated to provide regular installments of 10,500 rupees every three to four months through BISP, aimed at assisting impoverished individuals in meeting their basic needs. This program ensures that all eligible poor individuals who complete their registration can benefit from these installments. Those already receiving payments can continue to do so, while those unable to complete registration due to document verification issues can now join after completing the necessary verification process.

Eligibility Criteria for Benazir Kafaalat Program

If you were unable to complete your registration for the Benazir Kafaalat program previously due to document deficiencies or other reasons and wish to complete it now, please note the eligibility criteria outlined below:

Benazir Kafaalat Program 10500 Document Verification Process Start 2024
Benazir Kafaalat Program 10500 Document Verification Process Start 2024

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  1. Poverty Rate: The poverty rate should not exceed 35%.
  2. Employment Status: Applicants should not be employed by the government.
  3. Legal Standing: Should not be involved in any illegal activities.
  4. Monthly Income: Monthly income should be less than 25,000 rupees.
  5. Bank Balance: Bank balance should be less than 40,000 rupees.

These criteria are essential for completing your registration and becoming eligible to receive benefits under the Benazir Kafaalat program.

Registering for Benazir Kafaalat Program

If you are eligible for the Benazir Kafaalat program but couldn’t complete your registration due to incomplete document verification, now is your chance to apply and become part of the program to receive the new installment of 10,500 rupees.

Registration Process at BISP Office:

  1. Visit your nearest BISP office.
  2. Bring your identity card and children’s B-form.
  3. Ensure all documents are attested.
  4. Complete the verification process.
  5. You will receive a confirmation message once registration is complete.
  6. You can then easily receive the new installment of 10,500 rupees.

Registering for Benazir Kafaalat through Web Portal:

For disabled individuals or those unable to visit the office, registration can be completed from home through the web portal:

  1. Open Chrome on your computer or mobile device.
  2. Navigate to the official BISP website.
  3. Select the registration page.
  4. Enter your ID card number and children’s form number.
  5. Upload the required documents.
  6. Click on ‘Register Now’.
  7. Upon completion, you will receive confirmation of your registration.

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The Benazir Kafaalat program offers a new installment of 10,500 rupees to support impoverished individuals. Eligible candidates can register by ensuring their document verification is complete, either by visiting the BISP office or through the web portal. This ensures they can benefit from the program and receive the necessary financial assistance.

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